ISO27001:2022 Lead Auditor Training

ISO 27001 is an international standard for information security management systems (ISMS). The lead auditor training related to ISO 27001 is designed to equip professionals with the knowledge and skills required to lead and conduct audits based on ISO 27001 requirements.

Here are key aspects typically covered in ISO 27001 Lead Auditor Training:

  1. Understanding ISO 27001:
    • Participants gain a comprehensive understanding of the ISO 27001 standard, including its structure, principles, and requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving an ISMS.
  2. Auditing Principles:
    • Training covers fundamental auditing principles and practices, emphasizing the ISO 19011 standard, which provides guidelines for auditing management systems.
  3. Audit Planning and Preparation:
    • Participants learn how to plan and prepare for an ISO 27001 audit, including defining audit objectives, scope, criteria, and the audit program.
  4. Audit Techniques:
    • Techniques for conducting effective internal and external audits, including interviewing, observation, document review, and sampling methods.
  5. Risk-Based Auditing:
    • Understanding how to apply risk-based auditing principles, considering the risk context and significance of various information security controls.
  6. Audit Reporting:
    • Training covers the preparation of audit findings, conclusions, and reports, including communication of results to relevant stakeholders.
  7. Corrective Action and Follow-Up:
    • Participants learn how to assess corrective actions, follow-up on audit findings, and contribute to the continual improvement of the ISMS.
  8. ISMS Documentation and Records:
    • Understanding the documentation and record-keeping requirements of ISO 27001 and how to assess their effectiveness during an audit.
  9. Regulatory and Legal Compliance:
    • Training may cover considerations related to regulatory and legal compliance within the context of information security.
  10. Audit Team Management:
    • For lead auditors, there may be a focus on managing audit teams, coordinating activities, and ensuring the overall effectiveness of the audit process.
  11. Ethical Conduct:
    • Emphasis on ethical behavior, confidentiality, and professional conduct during the audit process.
  12. Certification Bodies and Accreditation:
    • Understanding the roles of certification bodies, accreditation bodies, and the certification process related to ISO 27001.

Participants who successfully complete ISO 27001 Lead Auditor Training may be eligible to take an examination to obtain a recognized lead auditor certification in ISO 27001.

For the most current and specific information about ISO 27001:2022 and related lead auditor training, including any updates or changes, I recommend checking with official sources such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), accredited training providers, or relevant certification bodies.

Benefits of ISO27001:2022 Lead Auditor Training

However, the benefits of ISO 27001 Lead Auditor Training generally remain relevant, regardless of the specific version of the standard. Here are the key benefits associated with ISO 27001 Lead Auditor Training:

    • Participants gain a thorough understanding of the ISO 27001 standard, its structure, and the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving an Information Security Management System (ISMS).
    • Training covers fundamental auditing principles and practices, providing participants with the skills needed to plan, conduct, and report on internal and external audits in line with ISO 27001.
    • Participants learn how to apply risk-based auditing principles, allowing them to focus on areas of the ISMS that are most critical to the organization’s information security.
    • The training equips individuals with the ability to plan and prepare for ISO 27001 audits, defining audit objectives, scope, criteria, and developing an effective audit program.
    • Participants understand how to assess the documentation and records required by ISO 27001, ensuring that the organization’s information security management system meets the standard’s requirements.
    • Training includes knowledge on assessing corrective actions, follow-up on audit findings, and contributing to the continual improvement of the ISMS.
    • Participants develop strong communication skills to effectively convey audit findings, conclusions, and recommendations to various stakeholders within the organization.
    • Emphasis on ethical behavior, confidentiality, and professionalism during the audit process, ensuring that auditors adhere to the highest standards of conduct.
    • Training may cover considerations related to regulatory and legal compliance within the context of information security, enhancing the auditor’s ability to assess the organization’s adherence to legal requirements.
    • For lead auditors, the training may include skills related to managing audit teams, coordinating activities, and ensuring the overall effectiveness of the audit process.
    • Organizations benefit from having internal or external auditors with the expertise to assess and validate the effectiveness of their information security management systems.
    • ISO 27001 Lead Auditor Training often prepares participants for relevant certification exams, enabling them to obtain a recognized lead auditor certification in ISO 27001.
    • Individuals who complete ISO 27001 Lead Auditor Training and obtain the relevant certifications may experience increased career opportunities in the field of information security and auditing.
    • Lead auditors trained in ISO 27001 can contribute to fostering a security-conscious culture within the organization, promoting awareness of information security best practices.

It’s important to note that the specific benefits may vary depending on the content and structure of the training program, as well as the accreditation of the training provider. Individuals considering ISO 27001 Lead Auditor Training should ensure that the program aligns with their career goals and organizational needs.

Who should join ISO27001:2022 Lead Auditor Training 

ISO 27001:2022 Lead Auditor Training is typically designed for professionals who play a key role in the implementation, maintenance, and audit of Information Security Management Systems (ISMS) based on the ISO 27001 standard. Here are the individuals who would benefit from joining ISO 27001:2022 Lead Auditor Training:

  1. Information Security Professionals:
    • Individuals already working in information security roles seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills in auditing ISMS based on the latest ISO 27001 standard.
  2. Internal Auditors:
    • Professionals responsible for conducting internal audits within their organizations to assess and ensure compliance with ISO 27001 requirements.
  3. Lead Auditors and Audit Team Leaders:
    • Experienced auditors or audit team leaders wanting to update their knowledge to align with the latest version of the ISO 27001 standard.
  4. Compliance Officers:
    • Those responsible for ensuring that the organization complies with ISO 27001 requirements and other relevant information security regulations.
  5. Risk Managers:
    • Professionals involved in managing information security risks and wanting to integrate risk-based auditing practices into their audit processes.
  6. Information Security Consultants:
    • Consultants providing guidance to organizations on information security management and wanting to strengthen their audit capabilities.
  7. IT Managers and Directors:
    • IT leaders responsible for the overall management of information security within their organizations.
  8. Security Analysts:
    • Individuals involved in analyzing and implementing security controls and measures, aiming to contribute to the audit process.
  9. ISO 27001 Implementation Team Members:
    • Team members who have been involved in implementing ISO 27001 within their organizations and want to gain a deeper understanding of auditing practices.
  10. Quality Managers:
    • Professionals responsible for managing and ensuring the quality of information security processes within their organizations.
  11. Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) Professionals:
    • Professionals involved in GRC activities, focusing on the governance and compliance aspects of information security.
  12. CISOs (Chief Information Security Officers):
    • Senior information security executives who want to ensure a comprehensive understanding of ISO 27001 auditing practices.
  13. Security Practitioners Transitioning to Auditing:
    • Individuals working in cybersecurity or information security roles who are considering a transition into auditing responsibilities.
  14. Individuals Pursuing Certification:
    • Those seeking to obtain certification as ISO 27001 Lead Auditors, as the training often aligns with the requirements of relevant certifications.
  15. Anyone Responsible for ISMS Auditing:
    • Individuals with responsibilities related to the auditing of ISMS or those aspiring to take on such responsibilities within their organizations.

Before enrolling in ISO 27001:2022 Lead Auditor Training, participants should consider their existing knowledge of ISO 27001, their level of experience in information security, and their organizational context. This training is typically designed to cater to a wide range of professionals involved in information security and auditing.


Why is information security necessary?

  • The nature of information security threats
  • Information insecurity
  • Impacts of information security threats
  • Cybercrime
  • Cyberwar
  • Advanced persistent threat
  • Future risks
  • Legislation
  • Benefits of an information security management system


  • Benefits of certification
  • The history of ISO27001 and ISO27002
  • The ISO/IEC 27000 series of standards
  • Use of the standard
  • ISO/IEC 27002
  • Continual improvement, Plan–Do–Check–Act, and process approach
  • Structured approach to implementation
  • Management system integration
  • Documentation
  • Continual improvement and metrics

Organizing information security

  • Internal organization
  • Management review
  • The information security manager
  • The cross-functional management forum
  • The ISO27001 project group
  • Specialist information security advice
  • Segregation of duties
  • Contact with special interest groups
  • Contact with authorities
  • Information security in project management
  • Independent review of information security

Information security policy and scope

  • Context of the organization
  • Information security policy
  • A policy statement
  • Costs and the monitoring of progress

The risk assessment and Statement of Applicability 

  • Establishing security requirements Risks, impacts and risk management
  • Cyber Essentials
  • Selection of controls and Statement of Applicability Statement of

Applicability Example Gap analysis

  • Risk assessment tools
  • Risk treatment plan
  • Measures of effectiveness
  • Mobile devices
  • Mobile devices and teleworking
  • Teleworking

Human resources security

  • Job descriptions and competency requirements Screening
  • Terms and conditions of employment
  • During employment
  • Disciplinary process
  • Termination or change of employment.

Asset management

  • Asset owners
  • Inventory
  • Acceptable use of assets
  • Information classification
  • Unified classification markings
  • Government classification markings
  • Information lifecycle
  • Information labelling and handling
  • Non-disclosure agreements and trusted partners
  • Media handling
  • Physical media in transit

Access control

  • Hackers
  • Hacker techniques
  • System configuration  Access control policy
  • Network Access Control
  • User access management
  • User access provisioning
  • System and application access control
  • Secure log-on procedures
  • Password management system
  • Use of privileged utility programs
  • Access control to program source code


  • Encryption
  • Public key infrastructure
  • Digital signatures
  • Non-repudiation services
  • Key management

Physical and environmental security

  • Secure areas
  • Delivery and loading areas.
  • Equipment security
  • Equipment siting and protection
  • Supporting utilities
  • Cabling security
  • Equipment maintenance
  • Removal of assets
  • Security of equipment and assets off-premises
  • Secure disposal or reuse of equipment
  • Clear desk and clear screen policy

Operations security

  • Documented operating procedures
  • Change management
  • Separation of development, testing and operational environments
  • Back-up
  • Controls against malicious software (malware)
  • Viruses, worms, Trojans and rootkits
  • Spyware
  • Anti-malware software
  • Hoax messages and Ransomware
  • Phishing and pharming
  • Anti-malware controls
  • Airborne viruses
  • Technical vulnerability management
  • Information Systems Audits

Communications management

  • Network security management
  • Exchanges of information
  • Information transfer policies and procedures
  • Agreements on information transfers
  • E-mail and social media
  • Security risks in e-mail
  • Spam
  • Misuse of the internet
  • Internet acceptable use policy
  • Social media
  • System acquisition, development and maintenance
  • Security requirements analysis and specification
  • Securing application services on public networks 274
  • E-commerce issues
  • Security technologies
  • Server security
  • Server virtualization
  • Protecting application services transactions

Development and support processes

  • Secure development policy
  • Secure systems engineering principles
  • Secure development environment
  • Security and acceptance testing

Supplier relationships

  • Information security policy for supplier relationships
  • Addressing security within supplier agreements
  • ICT supply chain
  • Monitoring and review of supplier services Managing changes to supplier Services
  • Monitoring and information security incident management Logging and monitoring
  • Information security events and incidents

Incident management – responsibilities and procedures

  • Reporting information security events
  • Reporting software malfunctions
  • Assessment of and decision on information security events
  • Response to information security incidents
  • Legal admissibility

Business and information security continuity management – ISO22301 

  • The business continuity management process
  • Business continuity and risk assessment
  • Developing and implementing continuity plans
  • Business continuity planning framework
  • Testing, maintaining and reassessing business continuity plans
  • Information security continuity
  • Compliance
  • Identification of applicable legislation
  • Intellectual property rights

Protection of organizational records

  • Privacy and protection of personally identifiable information Regulation of cryptographic controls
  • Compliance with security policies and standards Information systems audit considerations

The ISO27001 audit

  • Statement of Applicability
  • Selection of auditors  Initial audit
  • Preparation for audit
  • Terminology


The training is followed by a subjective ISO27701 exam after successful completion of the training.


  • Managers or consultants seeking to prepare and support an organization in planning, implementing, and maintaining a compliance program based on the ISO27001
  • CISOs and individuals responsible for maintaining conformance with the InfoSec requirements
  • Members of information security, incident management, and business continuity teams
  • Technical and compliance experts seeking to prepare for a Information Security officer role
  • Expert advisors involved in the security of organization.

Important Information:

  • This certification is valid for three years from the date of issue.
  • You need to deliver and be part of Webinars on Information Security and Privacy to gain 5 (Continuous Learning Credits (CLC).
  • You will gain 10 credits in delivering Webinar.
  • You will gain 7 credits when you participate in a group discussion.
  • You will gain 10 credits when you publish a blog or article for BCAA in topics related to Security and Privacy.
  • You will gain 10 credits when you publish a video for BCAA in topics related to Security and Privacy.
  • You need to maintain 100 CLC every year to maintain your certification and renew it without a fee.
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